Most dogs aren't picky when it comes to food. They'll happily scarf down whatever tasty morsels they can find. But what if your hungry pup gobbles up everything in its path, including food meant for your other pets?
It's not necessarily harmful for your dog to sneak a bite from your cat's bowl here and there — though of course, your cat might not be too pleased to find their food bowl empty.
But feeding your dog cat kibble or canned wet food regularly won't meet their nutritional needs in the long run.
Kibbles are kibbles, right? Wrong. Cats and dogs have different nutritional needs, so their food isn't interchangeable.
"Cat food has everything that a dog needs, but not in the correct balance. These imbalances could lead to severe problems, especially over time," says Dr. Adam Currier, a veterinarian at Fuzzy Pet Health.
For example, cat food typically has more calories, fat, and protein than dog food, Currier says. This is because cat food contains a higher meat content than dog food, and meat is calorically dense.
Dogs need more fiber than cat food can provide. They also require a different blend of vitamins and minerals to avoid nutrient toxicity and deficiencies, Currier says.
Note: As carnivores, cats have evolved to tolerate high levels of fat and protein. But dogs have an easier time consuming multiple food sources and processing plant-based foods, like grains.
It may seem like your dog has a digestive system of steel. After all, dogs eat all kinds of things they find inside your house and out of it — poop, grass, bits of trash, fruit, veggie peels, shoes, and even diapers. You name it, and a dog has probably eaten it.
But dog tummies are more sensitive than you might expect. After all, things you eat regularly, like avocados, chocolate, and grapes, can poison and even kill your dog.
Cat food can also be toxic in large amounts. Cats can handle more vitamin D than dogs, so cat food may contain more vitamin D than your dog's system can safely process. Excess vitamin D can lead to kidney failure and may even be fatal for dogs.
Note: According to the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), commercial dog food should provide at least 0.0125 milligrams (mg) of vitamin D, but no more than 0.075 mg per kilogram (kg) per day. Cat food should provide at least 0.007 mg of vitamin D, but no more than 0.75 mg per kg per day.
Even so, a bit of cat food once in a while probably won't send your pup to the emergency vet — but if your dog eats a large quantity all at once, or on a regular basis, they may develop serious complications, such as pancreatitis.
Pancreatitis, which can result from eating high amounts of protein and fat, can sometimes be fatal.
Signs of pancreatitis in dogs may include:
According to Currier, a steady diet of cat food can also cause a number of health problems, including:
It's fine for your dog to sneak a nibble of cat food occasionally, but it's better if they get their treats elsewhere. Currier recommends treats that benefit your dog's dental health — in short, you may want to offer dental chews instead of leaving the cat bowl available.
Quick tip: If you're in a pinch because you've run out of dog food and can't get to the store, opt for plain boiled rice and boneless lean chicken or eggs instead of cat food.
Like humans, dogs have specific nutritional needs. So how do you ensure your dog's nutrition is up to par?
For one thing, a dog on a well-balanced diet should have a healthy, shiny coat, Currier says.
According to Currier, possible signs of a nutrient deficiency may include:
If your dog's diet consists mainly of dog food, there's likely no reason to call your vet when they gobble down a bowl of cat food before you can put it out of reach.
But if you notice a change in behavior or any of the signs listed above, consider making a vet appointment — just to be on the safe side.
Note: Every dog food bag should include a feeding guide for pet parents that includes recommendations based on your dog's target weight, Currier says. But you can always ask your vet for more specific guidelines, if you're unsure.
If you have any questions about your dog's nutritional needs or the type of food you should feed them, a good next step involves checking in with your vet, Sewell recommends.
Popular advice you find online, like tips to feed your dog a raw food diet, may not always line up with what a qualified vet would recommend.
Latest research: One 2020 observational study involving over 3,600 dog and cat owners in the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, and New Zealand found that unconventional feeding practices, like feeding a raw food or vegan diet, can raise a dog's risk of nutrient deficiencies and health conditions.
Managing a cat and dog household can be tricky, especially when it comes to feeding times. Hungry dogs sometimes assume any and all food is up for grabs, including the cat's.
Here are some tips for discouraging your dog from getting into the cat's food:
The occasional bite or stolen bowl of cat food usually won't harm your dog over the long term, but it's best to avoid feeding your dog an exclusive diet of cat food.
Not getting enough of the right nutrients — or too many of the wrong ones — can affect your dog's health over time, leading to conditions such as kidney disease or nutrient toxicity.
Carefully following the feeding guidelines on your dog's food bag can help ensure your dog enjoys a balanced diet. And if your dog loves the taste of cat food, strategically placing your cat's bowl somewhere your dog can't reach can help you keep both your pet pals happy and healthy.
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